The wall! |
What a difference a day can make. I felt like it was my strongest day yet, I was even able to shout out 'baba kubwa' a few times!
We left camp around 9:15, tackled the Barranco wall, which looked much scarier then it was. I actually enjoyed the climb very much, and felt like a warrior!
See the people?
After the wall, we had a long downhill hike in the rain. Which made it slippery, and made me fall...just once this time. There's something about going down, steep, slippery rocks that makes me very tense. I try to be extremely careful, I think too careful at times. But after the steep downhill, we just had a steep uphill to our camp. I felt fine, short of breath of course but we made it to camp around 1. It was pouring off and on, so we spent a lot of time in our tents and the mess tent. For lunch we had grilled cheese, chicken, omelettes, and veggies. My appetite has actually gotten better the higher we get, so that's a good thing. After lunch we had a good nap, we're trying to get as much sleep as possible to prepare for our big night tomorrow. TOMORROW! Oh dear, that just sent shivers through my body. But I'm not going to think about that now. After a while Hamed was at our tent calling us for 'dinnertime'. We weren't that hungry since we just ate a couple hours ago, but they want us in bed early. Shabaz said tomorrow's hike will be short but steep, and they want to head out by 9.
It wasn't that bad!
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